Working at

...and have fun doing so

Six steps from applying to energizing

Your application

Tell (and maybe show) us who you are with your resume and cover letter.

Online pre interview

A first hello. If we’re enthusiastic or curious, we happily invite you to:

Interview Day

Your first interview today is a (formal) introduction to each other and our shared ambitions. The second is about shared objectives in a meeting with colleagues.

Optional Talent Match Assessment

Ambition, skills, business and energy brought together in an assessment.


We speed up the energy transition …and our contract administration: If we are a winning match we will send you a (concept) contract.


We both agree, we both sign and we start energizing the future together!

Your application

Tell (and maybe show) us who you are with your resume and cover letter.

Online pre interview

A first hello. If we’re enthusiastic or curious, we happily invite you to:

Round One – first interview

Your first interview at Connex as a (formal) introduction to each other and our shared ambitions.

Optional Talent Match Assessment

Ambition, skills, business and energy brought together in an assessment.

Round Two – second interview

Your second formal interview, setting shared objectives and meeting the team.


We speed up the energy transition …and our contract administration: If we are a winning match we will send you a (concept) contract.


We both agree, we both sign and we start energizing the future together!

What’s our offer

You can be part of the energy transition, with much freedom, and personal space to grow in our fast-moving business. Connex is committed to growing the company rapidly and always in search of people who like our high energy and fast-paced environment. People like you!

We offer you an international market that is fascinating and dynamic. You work with highly skilled and motivated colleagues, creating sustainable and robust strategies for A-list clients. Are you ready to energize the future!
More information